Monday, December 13, 2010


I was getting ready to go into the shower when I noticed something. I called my mom who was on her way over after she finished some grocery shopping. 

"Hi, mom...I'm fine, but can you come over now?" 

Needless to say, she abandoned the deli meat she was ordering along with her shopping cart and made her way to my house. 

I dialed the doctor, then my husband. 

"You've got to be kidding me," he said without even a "hello" first. "How do you know I'm calling you about that?" I asked him. He said, "I just sat down at my desk and knew you were going to call me." That morning he stayed at home just a bit longer before he went to work because he had a feeling something was going to happen that day (or so he said).

I told him I already called mom and she's on her way and that doctor said to relax and take some time to come in because I wasn't having contractions. I asked him to meet me at the doctor first because they had to make sure I was, in fact, ready to go. 

Yes, I called my mom first because she was closest to me. She had been coming over a few days a week since I was put on bed rest anyway :) I called the doctor second so I could tell my husband of the plan. Yes, I feel like I need to rationalize to everyone why my husband was my third phone call. Ha. Anyway, I was remarkably calm. Insanely calm. The doctors told me to take my time so I did. I showered, I dried my hair, I put on makeup, I did all the things I knew I couldn't do for days because I already knew this was it. I didn't need a doctor to tell me so. 

So, my mom and I were ready to go. I had my bag, we fed the dog, everything was ready to go and then we went on our way. My mom was a bit nervous probably because she had a drive her pregnant daughter who was in the beginning stages of labor into Boston which is not very close by. And, hello, if I had to drive a pregnant lady, I'd be nervous, too. I also think she was also a bit scared about how calm I was....until we hit not one, but two detours on the way to the doctor. An added 30 minutes to the 45-minute commute was just what I needed to make me un-calm.

We got to the doctor's office and I meet Aaron (who got there in 15 minutes...nice). I met him, and we entered the doctors room. I was tested and yup...sure enough, we were heading to the hospital. But, I was told to stay quiet about how much of my water broke.  She was worried that since the hospital was already at capacity they would delay putting me in a room. She had already spoken to her colleague at the hospital and they were on the same page. I loved this and I wasn't saying a word.  Sweet. Nothing like a little conspiracy to get things going.

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