Friday, May 27, 2011

9 months old

She's entering the last quarter of her first year and that scares me a bit. It scares me because I know how fast the first three went -- in a flash. And, she's 39 weeks old today and she was born at 39 weeks 5 days so essentially she's as old as I carried her. Time to take a deep breath because my baby is no longer an infant. nor a "baby," she's starting to become a little girl. Ok, well maybe she's still a baby, but you know what I mean.

In weeks 37 and 38 she checked some major items off the list including:
Saying Mama (amazing moment :)
Pulling Up
Signing "more"
Using her sippy without any help
And other things that I can't remember right now but I'm sure I'll add as soon as I post this :)

Compared to what I did in those two weeks, she's got me beat by a long shot.

I feel like every three months Ella becomes a new person. She's reborn. She is an amazing human being with so much concentration and so much determination it's refreshing to witness. It's absolutely beautiful; I can't recall any other time in my life where I was witness to such transformation. I can't wait to see what the next quarter has in store for her, and what she has in store for me.

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