Sunday, April 17, 2011

Table Food

Ella is 8 months soon and our pediatrician said she should start table foods around 8-9 months. So, that's what we're doing. She's been on organic purees that I've been able to make for her and now, I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous about moving to table food. Nervous, and excited.

I'm completely nervous that she's going to choke on something. She has no teeth but I know that babies usually just chew with their back gums anyway, but I am completely paranoid that she's going to choke. Luckily, Aaron, my mom and I attended an infant CPR and choking class so I'll know what to do, but I'm also sure that a lot of that goes out the window once it actually happens. The teacher said to practice putting your baby over your leg (for play) just so you know what it feels like if you do have to stop them from choking. Dear God I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. Onto the excited part.

I'm excited because now she gets to eat all of the food that she's been lunging at (that's been on our plates) and excited because she gets to experience a completely new set of "firsts." She gets to eat pasta (yum!) and chicken and beef, and tofu and a whole new set of veggies and fruits. She's becoming such a little girl.

For some reason I think the table food milestone is a pretty big one. Crawling, walking...table food, they are all little markers of time gone by. Little by little she's becoming more independent and proving how amazing the first year of life really is.

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